檔案資訊 | 描述 |
檔大小: | 54 kB |
檔案修改日期/時間: | 2019:12:30 10:21:26+00:00 |
文件類型: | Win64 EXE |
MIME 類型: | application/octet-stream |
機器類型: | AMD AMD64 |
時間戳記: | 2019:03:28 11:00:50+00:00 |
PE 類型: | PE32+ |
連結器版本: | 14.16 |
代碼大小: | 34304 |
初始化數據大小: | 22528 |
未初始化資料大小: | 0 |
進入點: | 0x8c0c |
OS 版本: | 6.0 |
影像版本: | 0.0 |
子系統版本: | 6.0 |
子系統: | Windows command line |
檔案版本號: | |
產品版本號: | |
檔案標誌遮罩: | 0x003f |
檔案標誌: | (none) |
檔案 OS: | Win32 |
目的檔案類型: | Executable application |
檔案子類型: | 0 |
語言代碼: | English (U.S.) |
字元集: | Unicode |
公司名稱: | Apache Software Foundation |
檔案描述: | Apache logresolve command line pipe |
檔案版本: | 2.4.39 |
內部名稱: | logresolve.exe |
合法著作權: | Copyright 2019 The Apache Software Foundation. |
產品名稱: | Apache HTTP Server |
產品版本: | 2.4.39 |
備註: | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at....http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0....Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. |
✻ 由Exiftool (Phil Harvey)提供的部分檔案資料根據 Perl 藝術許可證分發。