列出所有 Ensemble Studios 檔案,適用於所有副檔案名,以 "D" 開頭
文件擴展名 | 檔案名稱 | 軟體名稱 | 最新檔案版本 |
CTY 檔案 | Default.cty | Age of Empires Expansion: The Rise of Rome | (not specified) |
XML 檔案 | DefaultProfile.xml | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-10-17_185656_2748-6088.log | Microsoft Age of Empires | 1 |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-10-17_185749_6500-2396.log | Microsoft Age of Empires | 1 |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-11-20_205430_6072-6076.log | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-11-20_205529_6748-6752.log | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-12-06_222603_5240-5236.log | Age of Empires II | (not specified) |
LOG 檔案 | Downloader_2019-12-06_222655_7436-7440.log | Age of Empires II | (not specified) |
DLL 檔案 | deformerdll.dll | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
ETL 檔案 | dosvc.20191017_185610_022.etl | Microsoft Age of Empires | 1 |
ETL 檔案 | dosvc.20191120_140357_388.etl | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
ETL 檔案 | dosvc.20191120_205400_992.etl | Age of Empires III | (not specified |
ETL 檔案 | dosvc.20191206_222520_666.etl | Age of Empires II | (not specified) |