"O" Microsoft EXE Files

List of all Microsoft EXE files starting with "O"

每页行数:        of 1
文件名 软件名称 最新文件版本
ODEPLOY.EXE Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.4755.1000
ODSERV.EXE Microsoft Office Basic 2007 12.0.4518.1014
OFFDIAG.EXE Microsoft Office Basic 2007 12.0.4518.1014
OINFOP11.EXE Office 11.0.5510.0
OINFOP12.EXE Microsoft Office Basic 2007 12.0.4518.1014
OIS.EXE Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.4750.1000
OLCFG.EXE Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) 16.0.12228.20098
OLicenseHeartbeat.exe Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 15.0.4420.1017
ONELEV.EXE Microsoft Office Home & Student 12.0.4518.1014
ONENOTE.EXE Microsoft Office Home & Student 12.0.4518.1014
ONENOTEM.EXE Microsoft Office Home & Student 12.0.4518.1014
OOBENetworkCaptivePortal.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
OOBENetworkConnectionFlow.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
ORGCHART.EXE Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) 16.0.12325.20264
ORGWIZ.EXE Microsoft Visio 14.0.6009.1000
OSA.EXE Office 11.0.5510.0
OSE.EXE Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.4730.1010
OSPPREARM.EXE Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.7015.1000
OSPPSVC.EXE Microsoft Visio Premium 2010 14.0.370.400
OSQL.EXE Microsoft SQL Server 2007.100.1600.22
OUTLOOK.EXE Microsoft Office Basic 2007 12.0.4518.1014
OWSADM.EXE Office 10.0.2623.0
OWSRMADM.EXE Office 10.0.2623.0
Oarpmany.exe Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.4730.1010
OcPubMgr.exe Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 15.0.4420.1017
OfficeC2RClient.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
OfficeClickToRun.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
OfficeHubTaskHost.exe Trillian 16.0.9230.1700
OfficeHubWin32.exe Trillian 16.0.9230.1700
OfficeSetup.exe Microsoft Word 2013 15.0.4420.1017
OfflineScannerShell.exe Windows 10
Oice.exe Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats 12.0.6500.5000
OleView.Exe Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 6.1.7600.16385
OneConnect.exe Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
OneDrive.exe Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 19.222.1110.6
OneDriveSetup.exe Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 19.222.1110.6
OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 19.222.1110.6
OpenWith.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
OposHost.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
OptionalFeatures.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
OsfInstaller.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
ocsetup.exe Windows 6.2.9200.16384
odbcad32.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
odbcconf.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
oemig50.exe Windows 6.0.2900.5512
ofdeploy.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.755
officeappguardwin32.exe Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) 16.0.12325.20264
officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
ohub32.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
oisicon.exe Office 14.0.4761.1000
omadmclient.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
omadmprc.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
onenoteim.exe Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 16.0.12430.20120
onenoteshare.exe Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 16.0.12430.20120
oobebaln.exe Windows 5.1.2600.5512
oobeldr.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
openfiles.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
opnfiles.exe Windows 5.1.2600.5512
opwicon.exe Office 2003
ose00000.exe Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.4730.1010
osk.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.755
osmadminicon.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
osmclienticon.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
osuninst.exe Windows 5.1.2600.0
outicon.exe Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (64-Bit) 16.0.9029.2167
ovsdb-client.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.371
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