INF Dosyaları

INF dosya uzantılı (Driver) tüm dosyaların listesi

Sayfa başına satır:        of 27
Dosya adı Yazılım Adı Geliştirici Adı Son Dosya Sürümü
usbser.inf Trillian Cerulean Studios
usbstor.inf Windows Microsoft 10
usbvideo.inf Windows Microsoft 10
usbxhci.inf Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft 14
userdef.inf Pinnacle Video Spin Pinnacle Systems Inc.
usmtdef.inf Windows Microsoft XP
v1q62x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v1q63x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v1q64x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v1q65x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v40e64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v40e65.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
v_mscdsc.inf Windows Microsoft 10
vaclcskd.inf Breakaway Audio Enhancer Claesson Edwards Audio 1.40.03
vcd10bus.inf Virtual CD H+H Software GmbH 10.6.0
vclone.inf Virtual CloneDrive The RedFox Project 5.5.0
vcsvad.inf AV Voice Changer Software Diamond AVSOFT 9.5.30
vdrvroot.inf Windows Microsoft 10
version.inf Activision Call of Duty 2 Activision demo
vgx.inf Windows Microsoft XP
vhdmp.inf Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft 14
viafir2k.inf Windows Microsoft XP
viamraid.inf EaseUS Disk Copy EaseUS 3
virscan.inf Norton Security Premium Symantec Corporation
virtualstorage.inf Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Microsoft 2010
vmci.inf VMWare Workstation Player VMware 15.5.1
vmscsi.inf EaseUS Disk Copy EaseUS 3
vmusb.inf VMWare Workstation Player VMware 15.5.1
vmx86.inf VMWare Workstation Player VMware 15.5.1
volmgr.inf Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft 14
volsnap.inf Windows Microsoft 10
volume.inf Windows Microsoft 10
vrtaucbl.inf Virtual Audio Cable Eugene Muzychenko 4.6
vrtaucbl6x.inf Virtual Audio Cable Eugene Muzychenko 4.6
vscore64.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vsdatant.inf ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus+Firewall 2019 ZoneAlarm
vsmraid.inf Windows Microsoft 10
vso.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vsoLI.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vso_pre.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vsock.inf VMWare Workstation Player VMware 15.5.1
vsouc.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vstxraid.inf Windows Microsoft 10
vulLI.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vulcore.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vuldb.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vulins.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vuluc.inf McAfee Total Protection McAfee, Inc. 2019 (16.0 R20)
vxn62x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxn63x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxn64x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxn65x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxs62x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxs63x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxs64x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
vxs65x64.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
w29n51.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
w70n501.inf 3DP Net 3DP 18.12
wSynth3dVsp.inf Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft 14
wab50.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wave.inf Windows Microsoft 10
wavemix.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wbemoc.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wbemsnmp.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wbfirdma.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wcebth.inf Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center for Windows Vista (64-bit) Microsoft 6.1
wceisvista.inf Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft 14
wcerndis.inf Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center for Windows Vista (64-bit) Microsoft 6.1
wceusbsh.inf Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center for Windows Vista (64-bit) Microsoft 6.1
wd.inf Windows Microsoft 8
wdma10k1.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ali.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_amd.inf Windows Microsoft Vista
wdma_aur.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_avc.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_azt.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_bt.inf Windows Microsoft 10
wdma_csc.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_csf.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ctl.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_cwr.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ens.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_es2.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_es3.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ess.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_int.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_m2e.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ne2.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_neo.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_rip.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_sis.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_usb.inf Windows Microsoft 10
wdma_via.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ym2.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdma_ymh.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdmaudio.inf Windows Microsoft 10
wdmjoy.inf Windows Microsoft XP
wdmvsc.inf Windows Microsoft 10
webdav_7.0.inf Speakonia CFS-Technologies 1.3.5
webdav_7.5_en-us_noloc.inf Speakonia CFS-Technologies 1.3.5
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