"C" TXT Filer

Lista över alla TXT-filer som börjar med "C"

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Filnamn Programvarunamn Utvecklarens namn Senaste filversionen
Creative BriteCam.txt Active WebCam PYsoftware 11.5
Creative Live.txt Active WebCam PYsoftware 11.5
Creative_Commons_Attribution_3.0_Unported.txt QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
Credit.txt Corel VideoStudio Pro Corel 2019
Credits!.txt ObjectDock Stardock Corporation 2.2
Cups Filter PSTOPS License.txt QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
CursorFX Free Setup Log.txt CursorFX Stardock Corporation 2.16
Curves.txt Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated 2020
CustomAliases.txt Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
CustomKillMarkPopup.txt Cross Fire G4Box 1051
CxImage.txt ManyCam Visicom Media Inc
c-ares.txt Avast Internet Security Avast Software 19.6.2383
cURL.txt Avast Internet Security Avast Software 19.6.2383
ca.txt Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft 14
cacerts.txt Wondershare UniConverter Wondershare Software Co., Ltd. 11
cal3d_authors.txt IMVU IMVU, Inc. 536
cal3d_license.txt IMVU IMVU, Inc. 536
cal3d_readme.txt IMVU IMVU, Inc. 536
callbacks.txt Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
camera.txt Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
campaign.txt Pharaoh Impressions Games 1
cannister.txt Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
capture_filters.txt Wireshark The Wireshark Team 3.0.0
capturing.txt Wireshark The Wireshark Team 3.0.0
card.txt Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated 2020
card_expiration_terms_dict.txt Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) Microsoft (not specified)
card_security_terms_dict.txt Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) Microsoft (not specified)
card_terms_dict.txt Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Microsoft (not specified)
cart!char!09222008.txt ParentalControl Bar WRAAC
cases.txt Facebook Desktop Messenger Netlabs.BG 1.0.1
cat.txt BullZip PDF Printer Standard Bullzip
categories.txt Blender Blender Foundation 2.79b
cdfcopyright.txt MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
cef_log.txt Steam Valve API v018
certs-ver.txt BitDefender Bitdefender
cfitsiocopyright.txt MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
changelog.garena_room.txt Garena+ Garena Online
changelog.txt Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated CC
changelog_en.txt WinWSD WebSite Downloader Attila Keszi 1.1
changelog_hu.txt WinWSD WebSite Downloader Attila Keszi 1.1
changes.txt Everything voidtools
changes_vcd.txt Virtual CloneDrive The RedFox Project 5.5.0
char!circ!09222008.txt ParentalControl Bar WRAAC
characters.txt Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
charfile_ja.txt AMCap Noel Danjou 9.23
charfile_ko.txt AMCap Noel Danjou 9.23
charts.txt WampServer Romain Bourdon 3.1.9
check_score.php.txt Mario Forever Softendo 7.02
checksum.txt TrackMania Nations Forever Focus Home Interactive (not specified)
chinese.txt Ares Galaxy Open Source 2.3.8
chinsimpmac.txt QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
chintradbig5.txt QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
choice.txt Nero Platinum 2019 Nero AG 21.0.01200
chrome_shutdown_ms.txt Avast Antivirus Avast Software 19.8.2393
chs.txt PeaZip Open Source 6.9.2
cht.txt PeaZip Open Source 6.9.2
circ!coli!09222008.txt ParentalControl Bar WRAAC
cisco_openh264.txt ManyCam Visicom Media Inc
class.txt Cross Fire G4Box 1051
classes.txt DJ Java Decompiler Atanas Neshkov
classify.txt SpaceMonger EdgeRunner 3
classloader.txt MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
classpath.txt MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
clean.txt Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
cliOutput.txt XAMPP Apache Friends 5.6.40
client_eula.txt Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) Microsoft (not specified)
client_manifest.txt Battle Realms Liquid Entertainment demo
cmath_testcases.txt OpenOffice.org Portable PortableApps 3.2
cmessage.txt Netscape Navigator NetScape
co.txt Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft 14
code.txt C-Free Program Arts 5.0 Pro
codepage.txt EditPlus ES-Computing 4
codepages.txt DVD Flick DVD Flick
coli!cost!09222008.txt ParentalControl Bar WRAAC
color.txt MikuMikuDance Yu Higuchi 9.31
colorspaces.txt DVD Flick DVD Flick
colour.txt Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
combodescription.txt Multimedia Fusion 2 Clickteam 2.0 build 253
common_filelist.txt Need for Speed Underground 2 Electronic Arts (not specified)
commons-collections-LICENSE.txt Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated (not specified)
commons-discovery-LICENSE.txt Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated (not specified)
commons-logging-LICENSE.txt Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated (not specified)
commons-logging-NOTICE.txt Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated (not specified)
compass_app_log.txt Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated CC
conf-lastgood.txt PeaZip Open Source 6.9.2
conf.txt PeaZip Open Source 6.9.2
config.c4dpy.txt Cinema 4D MAXON Computer R20
config.txt WampServer Romain Bourdon 3.1.9
configfiles.txt YS Flight Simulator YSFlight 20181124
configstore_log.txt Steam Valve API v018
connection_log.txt Steam Valve API v018
content_log.txt Steam Valve API v018
controller.txt Steam Valve API v018
converter.Tester.ERROR.20191230-062946.4644.txt Movavi Video Converter 2020 Movavi 20
converter.Tester.INFO.20191230-062937.4644.txt Movavi Video Converter 2020 Movavi 20
converter.Tester.WARNING.20191230-062940.4644.txt Movavi Video Converter 2020 Movavi 20
converter_normal.txt EZ CD Audio Converter Poikosoft 9.0.2
converter_single.txt EZ CD Audio Converter Poikosoft 9.0.2
cookies.txt Netscape Navigator NetScape
coordinates.txt Inkscape Inkscape 0.92.3
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