List of all Microsoft XBF files starting with "A"
Nome de Arquivo | Nome do software | Última versão do ficheiro |
AboutPage.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AccuracyCircle.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AchievementsListView.xbf | Windows | 10 |
ActivationErrorDialog.xbf | Microsoft Office Access 2010 | 14 |
AddLanguagesPane.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AddressBoxControl.xbf | Microsoft Office Access 2010 | 14 |
AirSpaceControl.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AirSpaceGlobalStyles.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
App.xbf | Microsoft Office Access 2010 | 14 |
AppPerformanceTestPage.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AppSettings.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AppSettingsFeedback.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AppSettingsOptions.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
AssessmentPage.xbf | Microsoft Office Access 2010 | 14 |
AutoSaveTeachingCallout.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
aboutcontrol.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
alarmcollectionpage.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |
alarmitemcontrol.xbf | Windows | 8.1 |