"T" The Document Foundation LibreOffice Filer

Oppføring av alle The Document Foundation LibreOffice-filer som starter med "T"

Rader per side:        of 1
File Extension Filnavn Siste filversjon Siste filutgivelsesdato
DLL Filtype t602filterlo.dll 07/04/2019
LM Filtype ta.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype tabbar.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XSL Filtype tables.xsl 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype tabletext.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
DIC Filtype technical.dic 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tet.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype textbox.xml 10/30/2008
DLL Filtype textconversiondlgslo.dll 07/04/2019
DLL Filtype textfdlo.dll 07/04/2019
XML Filtype textstylebar.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tg.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype th.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
DAT Filtype th_es_ANY_v2.dat 6.2.5 07/04/2019
IDX Filtype th_es_ANY_v2.idx 6.2.5 07/04/2019
DAT Filtype thes_fr.dat 6.2.5 07/04/2019
IDX Filtype thes_fr.idx 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype ti.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype timezone.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tk.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tl.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tn.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XSL Filtype tokens.xsl 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tpi.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tr.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype transform_ime.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype transform_keyboard.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype transform_mt.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype transform_private_use.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
XML Filtype transitions-ogl.xml 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype ts.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tt.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
EXE Filtype twain32shim.exe 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype ty.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
LM Filtype tzm-Latn.lm 6.2.5 07/04/2019
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