"W" Microsoft Windows Filer

Oppføring av alle Microsoft Windows-filer som starter med "W"

Rader per side:        of 24
File Extension Filnavn Siste filversjon Siste filutgivelsesdato
CS Filtype WebAdminPage.cs 07/27/2011
MASTER Filtype WebAdminWithConfirmation.master 07/27/2011
MASTER Filtype WebAdminWithConfirmationNoButtonRow.master 07/27/2011
XAML Filtype WebBrowser.xaml 3.6 08/02/2018
EXE Filtype WebCache.exe 11.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DAT Filtype WebCacheLock.dat 10 07/29/2015
DAT Filtype WebCacheV01.dat 2016 09/22/2015
JFM Filtype WebCacheV01.jfm 10 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype WebClnt.dll 10.0.16299.334 07/04/2011
JS Filtype WebControlTest.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebControlTestUtilities.js 8.1 10/18/2013
PSD1 Filtype WebDownloadManager.psd1 14 07/04/2011
HTML Filtype WebHost.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebHost.js 8.1 10/18/2013
HTML Filtype WebHostDialog.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebHostDialog.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebHostExperience.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebHostMessage.js 8.1 10/18/2013
HTM Filtype WebNotesContent.htm 14 07/04/2011
XRM-MS Filtype WebServices-ppdlic.xrm-ms 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype WebWatson.js 8 08/01/2012
DLL Filtype WebcamUi.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WebcamUi.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype Websocket.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype Websocket.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
JS Filtype Week.js 14 11/01/2019
JS Filtype Week.tmpl.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype WeeklyRoutineCluster.js 8.1 10/18/2013
LNK Filtype Welcome Center.lnk 7 07/22/2009
URL Filtype Welcome to IE7.url Vista 11/08/2006
TIF Filtype WelcomeFax.tif 10 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype WerFault.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WerFault.exe.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype WerFaultSecure.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WerFaultSecure.exe.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype WfHC.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WfHC.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MFL Filtype WgxInstalledGame.mfl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype WgxInstalledGame.mof 14 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype WhatsNew.Store.dll 09/04/2019
EXE Filtype WhatsNew.Store.exe 09/04/2019
DLL Filtype WiFiConfigSP.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype WiFiDisplay.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WiFiDisplay.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
PTXML Filtype WiFiDisplay.ptxml 8.1 10/18/2013
MUI Filtype WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WiFiTask.exe.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype WiaExtensionHost64.dll 6.1.7600.16385 07/22/2009
ETL Filtype Wifi.etl 1.1.4 04/09/2008
CFG Filtype WildCard.0407.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0409.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.040c.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0410.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0411.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0416.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0804.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0809.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.080a.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0c09.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0c0a.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.0c0c.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.1009.cfg 10 07/29/2015
CFG Filtype WildCard.4009.cfg 10 07/29/2015
INI Filtype WimBootCompress.ini 14 07/04/2011
INI Filtype WimBootConfig.ini 10 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype WimProvider.dll 10.0.18362.1 08/02/2018
MUI Filtype WimProvider.dll.mui 10.0.16299.15 10/15/2019
JS Filtype Win10InclusiveDisambiguation_gOKER3t1S3k9UYs07HRY0w2[1].js 10 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype Win32_DeviceGuard.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype Win32_DeviceGuard.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MFL Filtype Win32_DeviceGuard.mfl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype Win32_DeviceGuard.mof 10 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype Win32_EncryptableVolume.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype Win32_EncryptableVolumeUninstall.mof 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype Win32_OsBaseline.mof Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype Win32_Tpm.dll 10.0.16299.19 07/04/2011
MOF Filtype Win32_Tpm.mof 14 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype WinBioDataModel.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype WinBioDataModel.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype WinBioDataModelOOBE.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
ADML Filtype WinCal.adml 10 07/29/2015
ADMX Filtype WinCal.admx 10 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype WinCal.exe Vista 11/08/2006
MUI Filtype WinCal.exe.mui Vista 11/08/2006
EXE Filtype WinCollab.exe Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabContacts.dll Vista 11/08/2006
EXE Filtype WinCollabDecorHost.exe Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabDecorator.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabDecoratorWow.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabElev.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabFile.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabPres.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabProj.dll Vista 11/08/2006
DLL Filtype WinCollabRes.dll Vista 11/08/2006
MUI Filtype WinCollabRes.dll.mui Vista 11/08/2006
EXE Filtype WinFXDocObj.exe 7.0.6001.18000 11/08/2006
MUI Filtype WinFXDocObj.exe.mui Vista 11/08/2006
XML Filtype WinFXList.xml 07/27/2011
DLL Filtype WinFax.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
PTXML Filtype WinINet.ETW.ptxml 8.1 10/18/2013
Bla gjennom andre Microsoft Windows-filer etter bokstav:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z