"U" Microsoft Windows Filer

Oppføring av alle Microsoft Windows-filer som starter med "U"

Rader per side:        of 6
File Extension Filnavn Siste filversjon Siste filutgivelsesdato
SQL Filtype UninstallSqlStateTemplate.sql 14.3 05/25/2011
SQL Filtype UninstallWebEventSqlProvider.sql 07/27/2011
DLL Filtype Unistore.dll 10.0.16299.371 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype Unistore.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
JS Filtype Unit.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UnseenCountManager.js 8 08/01/2012
HTML Filtype UnsupportedApp.html 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UnsupportedApp.js 8.1 10/18/2013
HTML Filtype UnsupportedApp.v1.html 8.1 10/18/2013
DLL Filtype UpdateAgent.dll 10.0.18362.653 01/07/2019
HTML Filtype UpdateApp.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UpdateApp.js 8.1 10/18/2013
DLL Filtype UpdatePrinterDriver.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
XML Filtype UpgradeMatrix.xml 10 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype UpgradeResultsUI.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype UpgradeResultsUI.exe.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
HTML Filtype UpgradeTile.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UploadCommand.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UploadData.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UploadFileInfo.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UploadItem.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UploadManager.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UpsellControl.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UpsellModule.js 8.1 10/18/2013
HTML Filtype UpsellModuleTemplate.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UpsellSection.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UpsellSettings.js 8.1 10/18/2013
TTF Filtype UrdType.ttf 8.1 10/18/2013
TTF Filtype UrdTypeb.ttf 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UriGenerator.js 8.1 10/18/2013
MODEL Filtype Url.model 12/27/2019
OT Filtype Url.ot 12/27/2019
XBF Filtype UsageScenarioTestPage.xbf 8.1 10/18/2013
DLL Filtype UsbCApi.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UsbSettingsHandlers.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UsbccidDriver.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype UsbccidDriver.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
INF Filtype UsbccidDriver.inf 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype Use MSN Explorer to sign up for Internet Access (US only).lnk XP 10/25/2001
EXE Filtype UserAccountBroker.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserAccountControlSettings.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype UserAccountControlSettings.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype UserAccountControlSettings.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserDataAccessRes.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserDataAccessRes.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserDataAccountApis.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
ADML Filtype UserDataBackup.adml 8 08/01/2012
ADMX Filtype UserDataBackup.admx 8 08/01/2012
DLL Filtype UserDataLanguageUtil.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype UserDataPlatformHelperUtil.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype UserDataService.dll 10.0.16299.371 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserDataService.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserDataTimeUtil.dll 10.0.16299.1059 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype UserDataTypeHelperUtil.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
DLL Filtype UserDeviceRegistration.Ngc.dll 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserDeviceRegistration.Ngc.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserDeviceRegistration.dll 10.0.16299.248 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserDeviceRegistration.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
XBF Filtype UserDiagnosticsPage.xbf 8.1 10/18/2013
ADML Filtype UserExperienceVirtualization.adml 10 07/29/2015
ADMX Filtype UserExperienceVirtualization.admx 09/04/2019
HTML Filtype UserFeedbackDialog.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UserFeedbackDialog.js 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UserInfo.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UserInteractionCrunched.js 8.1 10/18/2013
DLL Filtype UserLanguageProfileCallback.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype UserLanguagesCpl.dll 10.0.16299.402 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserLanguagesCpl.dll.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
HTML Filtype UserMessage.html 8.1 10/18/2013
JS Filtype UserMessage.js 8.1 10/18/2013
DLL Filtype UserMgrProxy.dll 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
ETL Filtype UserNotPresentSession.etl 1.1.4 04/09/2008
DLL Filtype UserOOBE.dll 10.0.16299.248 07/04/2011
MUI Filtype UserOOBE.dll.mui 10.0.16299.15 07/04/2011
EXE Filtype UserOOBEBroker.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MFL Filtype UserProfileConfigurationWmiProvider.mfl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype UserProfileConfigurationWmiProvider.mof 10 07/29/2015
MFL Filtype UserProfileWmiProvider.mfl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype UserProfileWmiProvider.mof 10 07/29/2015
ADML Filtype UserProfiles.adml 10 07/29/2015
ADMX Filtype UserProfiles.admx 10 07/29/2015
JS Filtype UserQuotaInfo.js 8 08/01/2012
JS Filtype UserRecipes.js 8.1 10/18/2013
MFL Filtype UserStateWMIProvider.mfl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype UserStateWMIProvider.mof 14 07/04/2011
JS Filtype UserTimeTelemetryManager.js 8.1 10/18/2013
EXE Filtype UsoClient.exe 10.0.16299.579 07/04/2011
DAT Filtype UsrClass.dat 1.1.4 04/09/2008
LOG Filtype UsrClass.dat.LOG 2019.06.13.02 06/13/2019
LOG1 Filtype UsrClass.dat.LOG1 2010 06/15/2010
LOG2 Filtype UsrClass.dat.LOG2 10 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype Utilities.dll 05/08/2019
LNK Filtype Utility Manager.lnk XP 10/25/2001
PS1 Filtype UtilityFirewall.ps1 7 07/22/2009
PS1 Filtype UtilityFunctions.ps1 10 07/29/2015
PS1 Filtype UtilitySetConstants.ps1 10 07/29/2015
EXE Filtype Utilman.exe 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
MUI Filtype Utilman.exe.mui 10.0.15063.0 07/29/2015
DLL Filtype Utils.CX.dll 21.0.01200 09/12/2019
JS Filtype Utils.js 10/30/2008
Bla gjennom andre Microsoft Windows-filer etter bokstav:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z