"NON-ALPHA" Microsoft Windows Filer

Oppføring av alle Microsoft Windows-filer som starter med "NON-ALPHA"

Rader per side:        of 5
File Extension Filnavn Siste filversjon Siste filutgivelsesdato
CFG Filtype $WinMgmt.CFG 2019.06.13.02 06/13/2019
INF Filtype $winnt$.inf XP 10/25/2001
DAT Filtype 0-DiscoveryService-SLS.6.3.9600.0.17415.788.dat 8.1 10/18/2013
TXT Filtype 0.0.filtertrie.intermediate.txt 13 07/22/2015
TXT Filtype 0.1.filtertrie.intermediate.txt 13 07/22/2015
TXT Filtype 0.2.filtertrie.intermediate.txt 13 07/22/2015
LOG Filtype 0.log XP 10/25/2001
RSRC Filtype 0.rsrc 08/27/2019
CI Filtype 00010001.ci 2010 06/15/2010
DIR Filtype 00010001.dir 2010 06/15/2010
WID Filtype 00010001.wid 2010 06/15/2010
CI Filtype 00010002.ci Vista 11/08/2006
DIR Filtype 00010002.dir Vista 11/08/2006
WID Filtype 00010002.wid Vista 11/08/2006
CI Filtype 00010003.ci Vista 11/08/2006
DIR Filtype 00010003.dir Vista 11/08/2006
WID Filtype 00010003.wid 2007 01/30/2007
CI Filtype 00010004.ci 2010 06/15/2010
DIR Filtype 00010004.dir 2010 06/15/2010
WID Filtype 00010004.wid 2010 06/15/2010
LNK Filtype 01 - Command Prompt.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 01 - File Explorer.lnk 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 01_Music_auto_rated_at_5_stars.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 01a - Windows PowerShell.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 02 - Command Prompt.lnk 04/30/2019
JS Filtype 02260d19[1].js 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype 02E78424AB18BDBFA706C08B7D7B9F1D.mof XP 10/25/2001
WPL Filtype 02_Music_added_in_the_last_month.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 02a - Windows PowerShell.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 03 - Computer Management.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 03 - Documents.lnk 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype 0332A97878022BD4B34ECC098E57783A.mof Vista 11/08/2006
WPL Filtype 03_Music_rated_at_4_or_5_stars.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 04 - Disk Management.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 04 - Downloads.lnk 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 04-1 - Network Connections.lnk 8.1 10/18/2013
LNK Filtype 04-1 - NetworkStatus.lnk 04/30/2019
WPL Filtype 04_Music_played_in_the_last_month.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 05 - Device Manager.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 05 - Music.lnk 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 05_Pictures_taken_in_the_last_month.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 06 - Pictures.lnk 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 06 - System.lnk 8.1 10/18/2013
LNK Filtype 06 - SystemAbout.lnk 04/30/2019
WPL Filtype 06_Pictures_rated_4_or_5_stars.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 07 - Event Viewer.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 07 - Videos.lnk 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 07_TV_recorded_in_the_last_week.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 08 - Homegroup.lnk 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 08 - Power Options.lnk 8.1 10/18/2013
LNK Filtype 08 - PowerAndSleep.lnk 04/30/2019
WPL Filtype 08_Video_rated_at_4_or_5_stars.wpl 10 07/29/2015
LNK Filtype 09 - Mobility Center.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 09 - Network.lnk 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype 092389D621F5A8834203DAAC74CCA279.mof XP 10/25/2001
WPL Filtype 09_Music_played_the_most.wpl 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype 0A9DBC92D554324656F61F9862679F27.mof XP 10/25/2001
MOF Filtype 0FF162C67AD719BB7258CA5874D0E6EC.mof Vista 11/08/2006
LNK Filtype 1 - Desktop.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 1 - Run.lnk 04/30/2019
RSRC Filtype 1.rsrc 08/27/2019
TXT Filtype 1.txt 09/20/2019
LNK Filtype 10 - AppsAndFeatures.lnk 04/30/2019
LNK Filtype 10 - Programs and Features.lnk 8.1 10/18/2013
LNK Filtype 10 - UserProfile.lnk 10 07/29/2015
JS Filtype 10.js 10 07/29/2015
RSRC Filtype 10.rsrc 08/27/2019
TXT Filtype 10.txt 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 10288_2410698953.back.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 10288_2410698953.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 10364_2410711359.back.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 10364_2410711359.xml 10 07/29/2015
PRI Filtype 1041266505.pri 8.1 10/18/2013
PRI Filtype 104604141.pri 8.1 10/18/2013
PRI Filtype 1074253509.pri 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 10_All_Music.wpl 10 07/29/2015
JS Filtype 11.js 10 07/29/2015
RSRC Filtype 11.rsrc 08/27/2019
TXT Filtype 11.txt 10 07/29/2015
MOF Filtype 110576C9BB8B4B5857A8EB651A15E244.mof Vista 11/08/2006
XML Filtype 11588_2410691812.back.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 11588_2410691812.xml 10 07/29/2015
PRI Filtype 1166074641.pri 10 07/29/2015
PRI Filtype 1181385293.pri 8.1 10/18/2013
PRI Filtype 1192192272.pri 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 11_All_Pictures.wpl 10 07/29/2015
RSRC Filtype 12.rsrc 08/27/2019
TXT Filtype 12.txt 10 07/29/2015
CPX Filtype 12520437.cpx 10 07/29/2015
CPX Filtype 12520850.cpx 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 1260_1245078.back.xml 8 08/01/2012
XML Filtype 1260_1245078.xml 8 08/01/2012
XML Filtype 12696_2410702687.back.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 12696_2410702687.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 12784_2411106140.back.xml 10 07/29/2015
XML Filtype 12784_2411106140.xml 10 07/29/2015
WPL Filtype 12_All_Video.wpl 10 07/29/2015
RSRC Filtype 13.rsrc 08/27/2019
TXT Filtype 13.txt 3.1.9 05/13/2019
PRI Filtype 1304525159.pri 10 07/29/2015
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