Innstillingsfiler brukes til å lagre innstillingsinformasjon for operativsystemet, samt forskjellige programmer. Filene er laget for kun å åpnes og modifiseres av det aktuelle programmet. De lagrer informasjon som kreves av programvaren, som ikke er ment å bli sett av brukeren.
File Extension | Totalt antall filer | Eldste fil (dato) | Siste fil (dato) |
FT | 2 | Apps.ft (04/24/2017) |
Apps.ft (03/30/2020) |
CONF | 535 | DiskSnapshot.conf (03/18/2017) |
ms_vtep.conf (03/04/2020) |
FMT | 13 | AVL7902.FMT (05/10/2017) |
THTAG.FMT (02/19/2020) |
ODC | 3 | +Connect to New Data Source.odc (05/10/2017) |
+NewSQLServerConnection.odc (03/04/2020) |
TBR | 1 | Maml.tbr (06/02/2012) |
Maml.tbr (03/04/2020) |
HXW | 2 | Hx_1033_MKWD_K.HxW (05/10/2017) |
Hx_1033_MKWD_K.HxW (02/15/2020) |
ICW | 3 | state.icw (04/14/2008) |
state.icw (04/14/2008) |
PIP | 12 | EXCEL.PIP (05/10/2017) |
INFOPATH.PIP (02/26/2020) |
PEN | 1 | DATAMAP.PEN (05/10/2017) |
DATAMAP.PEN (05/10/2017) |
CAMP | 2 | (09/18/2006) | (03/18/2017) |
XDR | 18 | mspeapconnectionpropertiesv1.xdr (04/14/2008) |
mspeapconnectionpropertiesv1.xdr (04/14/2008) |
OBT | 1 | Proposal and Marketing Plan.obt (05/10/2017) |
Proposal and Marketing Plan.obt (05/10/2017) |
WMZ | 1 | Revert.wmz (04/11/2009) |
Revert.wmz (03/18/2017) |
THMX | 50 | Oriel.thmx (05/10/2017) |
Urban.thmx (03/04/2020) |
DPV | 65 | BIZFORM.DPV (05/10/2017) |
WITHCOMP.DPV (02/13/2020) |
OPS | 2 | RESETO10.OPS (05/10/2017) |
RESETO11.OPS (05/10/2017) |
XST | 7 | xrwcxst0.xst (09/18/2006) |
Driver.xst (12/28/2019) |
TSK | 23 | mmtask.tsk (04/14/2008) |
mssb16.tsk (01/13/2020) |
CPX | 4 | 12520437.cpx (09/18/2006) |
xcam3.cpx (12/06/2019) |
CPF | 1 | ZIPCODES.CPF (05/10/2017) |
ZIPCODES.CPF (05/10/2017) |
TDF | 119 | TravelAirlines.tdf (07/26/2012) |
extension.tdf (01/02/2020) |
ICM | 522 | brmsi02.icm (09/18/2006) |
sRGB Color Space Profile.icm (03/04/2020) |
ISP | 5 | reg.isp (01/21/2008) |
reg.isp (06/10/2009) |
INI | 4799 | sharedaccess.ini (07/21/2001) |
WmiApRpl.ini (03/30/2020) |