List of all Microsoft H files starting with "V"
Bestandsnaam | Softwarenaam | Laatste bestandsversie |
VSPerf.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
VerError.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
VerRsrc.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vbinterf.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vdserr.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vdshwprv.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vdssys.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vidcap.h | C-Free | 5.0 Pro |
videoacc.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vpccominterfaces.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vpconfig.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vpnotify.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |
vptype.h | C-Free | 5.0 Pro |
vsserror.h | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate | 2010 |