Here is how you can Enable the On-Screen Keyboard in Windows When the smartphone-inspired, touch-interface mania came over Windows, Microsoft also decided to get in the craze with Windows 8, completely revamping Windows to be touch-friendly. While that didn’t pay off, it did introduce several features from touch machines over to Windows, including the addition… Read more »
Tag: keyboard
7 Tips to Make your PC Power Efficient
X Tips is how you can make your PC Power Efficient Over the past few decades, our laptops have gotten exponentially powerful, with processing power nearly doubling every two years (Moore’s Law). However, the battery technology, which still relies on Lithium, hasn’t grown at the same pace. Thus, our portable machines are immensely powerful yet… Read more »
Adjust Keyboard Backlight on Windows
Here is how you can adjust Keyboard Backlight on Windows Keyboards have been around for quite a while. While our smartphones and tablets might have moved on to touchscreens, the feel of typing on a hardware keyboard, with keys that you can actually touch and feel in your hands, is still hard to beat. For… Read more »
Disable Your Laptop’s Keyboard
How to Disable Your Laptop’s Keyboard We expect our portable devices to last a long time, and especially our work machines. While most modern devices like smartphones and tablets rely on a touch screen for all input and output purposes, our laptops rely on a more physical, mechanical way of interaction. While this may be… Read more »
Control your Pointer with Your Keyboard
Here is how you can control your Mouse Pointer using Your Keyboard The mouse and the keyboard have become synonymous with the computer as the primary input devices. While most of the world has shifted towards a touch-based Graphical User Interface, thanks to the introduction of smartphones and tablets, our computers have remained reliant on… Read more »
How-To Right-Click Using Your Keyboard
Here is how you can Right-Click something in Windows using just your keyboard The Windows GUI has come a long way and has introduced several amazing innovative ideas that have shaped the way we used a computer. From the window-ed environment to the iconic Start button (which has also evolved with each version of Windows)… Read more »
Make your own Keyboard Shortcuts
Here is how you can make your own Windows Keyboard Shortcuts This is the era of smartphones and touch screens. Everything, be it smart refrigerators or smart TV remotes, is moving towards using a touch screen for input. Why a touch screen? Well because a touch screen can take multiple forms of input – be… Read more »
Using Keyboard Shortcuts for Multiple Screens in Windows
Here is how you can use keyboard shortcuts to make your Multi-Screen experience in Windows Better Desktop operating systems are much more versatile than mobile operating systems, and are designed to be more general-purpose as well, with support for a host of different devices and ports. If your device supports it, you can hook it… Read more »
Here is how you can Disable your laptop’s Keyboard
Laptop keyboard acting funny? Here is how you can disable it and use a USB Keyboard In this modern world where processor size keeps getting smaller and smaller and the battery performance also keeps climbing, we are seeing the adoption of portable devices. Desktop computers are slowly going out of fashion in favor of small,… Read more »
Be a Pro at Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
The ultimate guide to up your Windows skills with Keyboard Shortcuts Windows has been designed as a general-purpose operating system, aimed at the average user as well as power users who want to speed up every task as much as possible. For power users, it is necessary to cut down the time spent on mundane… Read more »