Completely Reset Windows Using Command Prompt

Here is how you can use Command Prompt to Factory Reset your Windows PC

Has your Windows machine has grown slow over time? Or do you want to sell your machine and want to make sure that none of your private data remains on it? In both cases, the best option is to reset your Windows PC and fortunately, Windows now offers a very easy and simple way to reset your PC.

What does Factory resetting your PC do?

Factory resetting your Windows PC allows you to remove any files or softwares (or both), allowing you to reset it to a “factory default” condition, hence the name factory reset. People usually do it when they want to give their PC to someone else. However, you can also factory reset your PC to get rid of loads of junk software and files your PC has accumulated over the years, which can often make your PC much faster too.

We have already covered a guide on how you can completely reset your PC but this guide will take you through the process of doing the same process completely through the Command Line using text commands, which is much faster and can also be used for batch jobs.

Factory Reset Windows Using Command Prompt

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt by typing cmd in the Start Menu.
  2. Now, you can simply type the following command,
  3. This will bring up the prompt, asking you if you want to do a complete reset or just want to remove the softwares from your PC and keep the files. The latter option is useful if you just want to make your PC faster and remove junk software but keep all your files and folders.