"C" Microsoft XBF Files

List of all Microsoft XBF files starting with "C"

페이지당 행 수:        of 1
파일네임 소프트웨어 이름 최신 파일 버젼
Callout.xbf Windows 8.1
CameraCaptureControl.xbf Windows 8.1
CameraSettingsFlyout.xbf Windows 8.1
CameraStyles.xbf Windows 8.1
CaptureControl.xbf Windows 8.1
ChangeRelationshipButton.xbf Windows 10
ChangeRelationshipButtonRTL.xbf Windows 10
ChangeRelationshipDonePage.xbf Windows 10
ChangeRelationshipPage.xbf Windows 10
CheckBox.xbf Windows 8.1
CheckBoxStyle.xbf Windows 8.1
CheckPriPage.xbf Windows 10
CollapsibleContent.xbf Windows 8.1
ColorPicker.xbf Windows 8.1
Colors_Dark.xbf Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
Colors_HighContrast.xbf Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
Colors_Light.xbf Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
ComboBox.xbf Windows 8.1
ComboBoxItem.xbf Windows 8.1
ComboBoxStyle.xbf Windows 8.1
CommandingPalette.xbf Windows 8.1
ComponentTestPage.xbf Windows 8.1
ConfirmBlockPage.xbf Windows 10
ConfirmReportPage.xbf Windows 10
ConflictResolutionPage.xbf Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
ConnectedStorageHomePage.xbf Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
ContentOverflow.xbf Windows 8.1
ContentTileImage.xbf Windows 10
CryptoPasswordDialog.xbf Windows 8.1
CustomMessageDialog.xbf Windows 8.1
customwebview.xbf Windows 8.1
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