List of all Adobe Systems Incorporated LST files starting with "A"
ファイル名 | ソフトウェア名 | 最新ファイルバージョン |
ACECache11.lst | Adobe Captivate | 2017 Release |
ACEConfigCache2.lst | Adobe Photoshop | CC |
AcroFnt19.lst | Adobe Acrobat DC | (not specified) |
AdobeCMapFnt19.lst | Adobe Acrobat DC | (not specified) |
AdobeFnt.lst | Adobe Flash Professional CC | (not specified) |
AdobeFnt_CMaps.lst | Adobe Photoshop Elements | 2020 |
AdobeFnt_CommonFonts.lst | Adobe Photoshop Elements | 2020 |
AdobeFnt_OSFonts.lst | Adobe Captivate | 2017 Release |
AdobeSysFnt19.lst | Adobe Acrobat DC | (not specified) |