"A" Microsoft TTF Files

List of all Microsoft TTF files starting with "A"

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Nomefile Nome software Ultima versione del file
AGENCYB.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
AGENCYR.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ALGER.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ANTQUAB.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ANTQUABI.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ANTQUAI.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ARIALN.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ARIALNB.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ARIALNBI.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ARIALNI.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
ARIALUNI.TTF Wondershare Filmora 9.2
ARLRDBD.TTF Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
AlarmMDL2.ttf Trillian
Antqua.ttf Office 95
AppExSymbol-Regular.ttf Windows 8.1
ahronbd.ttf Windows 8.1
aldhabi.ttf Windows 8.1
andlso.ttf Windows 8.1
angsa.ttf Windows 8.1
angsab.ttf Windows 8.1
angsai.ttf Windows 8.1
angsau.ttf Windows 8.1
angsaub.ttf Windows 8.1
angsaui.ttf Windows 8.1
angsauz.ttf Windows 8.1
angsaz.ttf Windows 8.1
aparaj.ttf Windows 8.1
aparajb.ttf Windows 8.1
aparajbi.ttf Windows 8.1
aparaji.ttf Windows 8.1
arabtype.ttf Windows 8.1
arial.ttf DVDFab
arialbd.ttf Office 95
arialbi.ttf Office 95
ariali.ttf Any Video to DVD Converter and Burner
ariblk.ttf Any Video to DVD Converter and Burner
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