List of all Adobe Systems Incorporated XML files starting with "U"
Tiedostonimi | Ohjelmistonimi | Viimeisin tiedostoversio |
U.S. FOIA.xml | Adobe Acrobat DC | (not specified) |
U.S. Privacy Act.xml | Adobe Acrobat DC | (not specified) |
Underline.metadata.xml | Adobe Photoshop Elements | 2020 |
Underpainting.metadata.xml | Adobe Photoshop Elements | 2020 |
UnicodeTable.xml | Adobe Flash Professional CC | (not specified) |
Unsharp Mask.metadata.xml | Adobe Photoshop Elements | 2020 |
UpdateDescription.xml | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom | 6.7 (CC 2015.7) |
UpdateVersion.xml | Adobe Flash Professional CC | (not specified) |
UserWorkspace.xml | Adobe Audition CS6 | CS6 |