Listing of all DLL files associated with Zoner Software Zoner Photo Studio
Filename | Latest File Version | First File Release Date | Latest File Release Date |
CNNDetector.dll | 19.1909.2.193 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
InstallerSupportLib.dll | 19.1909.2.193 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
WcfServiceLibrary.XmlSerializers.dll | | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
WcfServiceLibrary.dll | 1.0.7082.17956 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
WcfServiceLibrary.resources.dll | 1.0.7082.17956 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
ZPSIcons.dll | 19.1909.2.193 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
ZpsCOMLib.dll | 1.0.7082.21165 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
ZpsThumbnailHandler.dll | 19.1909.2.193 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
Zxl.dll | 19.1904.2.150 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
hello.dll | 19.1904.2.150 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
libzipp.dll | 19.1909.2.193 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
sciter.dll | | 12/03/2018 | 12/03/2018 |
zcl.dll | 19.1904.2.150 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |
zpsres.US.dll | 19.1904.2.150 | 10/23/2019 | 10/23/2019 |