Listing of all JSON files associated with CyberLink CyberLink Media Suite
Filename | Latest File Version | First File Release Date | Latest File Release Date |
056242c9-2b47-4353-a140-63aa72ae42f1.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
4c09d5c0-4d06-4caf-8465-1dcc3d782da5.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
4ccdb175-6306-40bd-9d11-feddbbc42124.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
4d4ef1bd-c4f2-478c-889f-ac57a09dbdd8.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
6194ab1b-ebc4-46c6-8c57-e46920c972f3.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
679a0688-76ad-4dea-ba61-ba47771af1d1.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
6e380f58-7001-464e-b3e0-c95b845302cd.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
7cbd3dea-42ea-4a24-9f3a-c887b673dd5d.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
825632a6-7b26-427c-bfe1-280840fe05c0.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
9c97cef0-36bd-4af6-917b-fa64ed79240e.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
AcerProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
AndroidProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
AppleProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
BlackBerryProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
CNProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
CloudProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
DeviceFamilies.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
DivXProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
FacebookProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
GenericProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
GoogleProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
LGProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
MotorolaProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
Mpeg2Profile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
NokiaProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
PalmProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
ProfileClassDevices.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
SamsungProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
SonyProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
WMVProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
YouTubeProfile.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
c719d2db-fa10-419b-9e61-ca53f2fd3c07.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
c7fa652d-b2f4-4452-93ed-68cb3aba31ae.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
d6e4eccf-72ea-4e5f-99f9-df093aca9fb6.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
de963897-4631-4a47-9fcf-96c07e4a668b.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |
ea3c3aab-cf64-4ffc-996b-d375404d3368.json | 13 | 07/22/2015 | 07/22/2015 |