Listing of all files with XDR file extension (Settings)
Filename | Software Name | Developer Name | Latest File Version |
baseeapconnectionpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
baseeapuserpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
branding.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
eapconnectionpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
eapuserpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
flashconfig.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
flashconfigdevice.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
help.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
locations.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
masterfile.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
mschapv2connectionpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
mschapv2userpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
mspeapconnectionpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
mspeapuserpropertiesv1.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
register.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
ssid.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
wirelessprofile.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |
wizard.xdr | Windows | Microsoft | XP |