Listing of all XAML files starting with "R"
Filename | Software Name | Developer Name | Latest File Version |
RadialCollection.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8.1 |
RadialMenu.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8.1 |
Ratings.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8 |
RatingsBadge.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8 |
RefineSearchInput.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8 |
RelivePreviewControl.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 10 |
ReliveSequenceControl.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 10 |
ReliveVideoControl.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 10 |
RemoveAccountDialogContent.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8.1 |
Resources.xaml | TheHunter | Expansive Worlds | 2013012301 |
Results.xaml | Windows | Microsoft | 8 |