The PowerPoint Template File is a kind of a blueprint that represents a slide or a group of slides. A PowerPoint template can consist a list of things, from theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and layouts. Microsoft provides thousands of default templates online that have been already modified to suit a general set of needs. Users can also save any type of custom content inside of a template.
Making your own custom PowerPoint template file is pretty easy. All you need to do is open PowerPoint, choose your settings for the template, and then save it as a template file. Usually, templates are created by companies by providing their own standard master slide, logos, as well as company headers and footers.
POT Files
File Extension | Total Number of Files | Oldest File (Date) | Latest File (Date) |
POT | 112 | Employee Orientation.pot (05/10/2017) |
Scratch.pot (01/07/2020) |