"S" Files (All File Extensions)

Listing of all files starting with "S"

Rows per page:        of 253
File Extension Filename Software Name Developer Name Latest File Version
HTM SelectData_3SelectionStatusBar.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_3bGotoDialog.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_4ToggleChannels.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_5MoveSelection.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_ClickScrollbarBtn.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_Done.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectData_Overview.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTML SelectItem.html QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
HTM SelectMenu_ShowTimeDisplay.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
OCX SelectPageRange.ocx Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated 19.12.20034.1161
HTML SelectSaver.html MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
HTM SelectSpecial.htm SmartDraw SmartDraw LLC 2010.12
HTM SelectTab_ACIDProperties.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_AcidFx.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_AudioMeters.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_AudioPlug-In.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_Chopper.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_ClipProperties.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_Explorer.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_GroovePool.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_MediaManager.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_MixConsole.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_Mixer.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_PlayMeters.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_Plug-InManager.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_RegionsList.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowHardwareMeters.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowKeyboard.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowLoopTuner.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowPlaylist.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowPlug-InChainer.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowPlug-InManager.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowRecordOptions.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowScriptEditor.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowSpectrumAnalysis.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowTimeDisplay.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowTrackList.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_ShowUndoRedo.htm Sound Forge Pro 13 Magix Software GmbH 13
HTM SelectTab_SoftSynthProps.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_SurroundPanner.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_TrackProperties.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTM SelectTab_VideoPreview.htm ACID Music Studio 11 Magix Software GmbH
HTML SelectTool.html SketchUp Trimble Inc. 17.2.2555
DLL SelectViewer.dll ArcSoft PhotoStudio ArcSoft
TXT SelectWnd.txt Cross Fire G4Box 1051
HTM Select_Tool.htm ArcSoft PhotoStudio ArcSoft
TXT SelectingAHardDiskAndPartition.txt EaseUS Partition Recovery EaseUS 8.5
TXT SelectingAnOperation.txt EaseUS Partition Recovery EaseUS 8.5
DLL Selection.dll Snagit 2019 TechSmith
DLL SelectionExample64.dll Hex Workshop BreakPoint Software
JS SelectionFinder.js Evernote Evernote Corporation
JS SelectionHistory.js Windows Microsoft 8
XML SelectionIconSymbol.xml Speakonia CFS-Technologies 1.3.5
HTML SelectionPage.html Windows Microsoft 8.1
JS SelectionPage.js Windows Microsoft 8.1
JS SelectionPageTelemetry.js Windows Microsoft 8.1
CUR Selection_Horizontal_Scale.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
XML Selection_List.xml CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink 19
CUR Selection_Move.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
CUR Selection_Rotate.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
XML Selection_Toolbar.xml ChemDraw Ultra CambridgeSoft 9
CUR Selection_Top_Left_Scale.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
CUR Selection_Top_Right_Scale.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
CUR Selection_Vertical_Scale.cur Avira Free Antivirus Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. 15.0.1909.1591
HTML Selective-Search.html C-Free Program Arts 5.0 Pro
JSON SelectiveAdjustment.json PicsArt - Photo Studio PicsArt (not specified)
INI Selector Arpeggiator.ini FL Studio Image-Line
INI Selector OnOff.ini FL Studio Image-Line
INI Selector Pan.ini FL Studio Image-Line
INI Selector Tempo.ini FL Studio Image-Line
INI Selector Volume (background).ini FL Studio Image-Line
INI Selector Volume.ini FL Studio Image-Line
BIN Selector_Standard.bin Facade Procedural Arts 1.03
DLL Selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium.dll Game Maker Studio 2 YoYo Games
TXT Selenium.txt Game Maker Studio 2 YoYo Games 2.2.4
HTM SelfBlock_text.htm Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Microsoft 2010
HTML SelfLoader.html MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
LOG SelfMV.LOG Samsung Kies Samsung Electronics
DLL SelfProtectAL.dll BitDefender Bitdefender
DLL SelfProtectAPI2.dll 360 Total Security Qihoo 360 Technology
DLL SelfProtectComm.dll BitDefender Bitdefender
DLL SelfProtectionSdk.dll Malwarebytes Malwarebytes
DLL SelfProtectionShim.dll Malwarebytes Malwarebytes
HTML SelfStubber.html MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
JS SelfUpdate.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated 14
JS SelfUpdateDeprecatedBanner.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated 14
JS SelfUpdateDeprecatedBannerView.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated 14
JS SelfUpdateView.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated 14
EXE SelfUpdater.exe QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc. 9.5.1
ANI SellUnit.ani The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Electronic Arts demo
POT Selling Your Ideas.pot Office Microsoft XP
POT Selling a Product or Idea (long).pot Office Microsoft 95
POT Selling a Product or Idea.pot Office Microsoft 95
POT Selling a Product or Service.pot Office Microsoft 2003
INF Sem062_IrDA_inf.inf Sony Ericsson PC Suite Sony Mobile Communications 6.011
INF Sem0A7_IrDA_x64.inf Sony Ericsson PC Suite Sony Mobile Communications 6.011
INF Sem116_IrDA_x64_inf.inf Sony Ericsson PC Suite Sony Mobile Communications 6.011
JS SemanticZoomPanorama.js Windows Microsoft 8.1
TXT Semantics.txt doPDF Softland 10.4.117
HTML Semaphore.html MATLAB MathWorks R2009a
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