All Ubisoft Files

List of all Ubisoft files, for all file extensions

Rows per page:        of 9
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
LUA file scout_jeff.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file scout_rob.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file soundDummy.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file sound_tables.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file spectator.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file systemcfg.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
XML file test_mission.xml Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file tripod.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
BIN file urlblock_637127453049213805.bin Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file v22.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file vehicle.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file voiceA.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file voiceB.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file voiceC.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
LUA file voiceD.lua Far Cry 2 (not specified)
ETL file waasmedic.20191224_081219_418.etl Far Cry 2 (not specified)
TMP file wctBD5A.tmp Far Cry 2 (not specified)
DAT file {4B339837-92B0-43E7-8F4C-22A5CBEF40E3}.dat Far Cry 2 (not specified)
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