"A" The GIMP Development Team Files

List of all The GIMP Development Team files, for all file extensions, starting with "A"

Rows per page:        of 1
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
PF file ALIGN-LAYERS.EXE-50B61ADF.pf GIMP 2.10.12
PF file ANIMATION-PLAY.EXE-236740E5.pf GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.2_pwdp_q7_a7wxcr88tk8hoxg.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.6atn1iwnhwh6k_cll3o535_nc.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.6oetehl9_byvgr5z2bfrooh3.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.7gj5iw3jftq2hmvyqwcwz5vgc.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX._mgpfsi70rq166tltw7qcnsfb.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.f21a4n2q2y02qw29g0rf79hxf.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.ls34p297vujmk44mupnxgnuhh.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.pezp3xyou7bu49gnzx6xjqakb.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TMP file APPX.v65cypk9yzgxsz3oxtl7e5qog.tmp GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161376932981715.txt GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161379807671544.txt GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161382921386210.txt GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161383469038902.txt GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161625009781032.txt GIMP 2.10.12
TXT file AppCache132161626336290144.txt GIMP 2.10.12
XML file a4de96511288d50120000000401f9c1f.Generalize.xml GIMP 2.10.12
XML file a4de96511288d50121000000401f9c1f.Specialize.xml GIMP 2.10.12
XML file a4de96511288d50122000000401f9c1f.Cleanup.xml GIMP 2.10.12
XML file a4de96511288d50123000000401f9c1f.Respecialize.xml GIMP 2.10.12
SCM file add-bevel.scm GIMP 2.10.12
SCM file addborder.scm GIMP 2.10.12
EXE file align-layers.exe GIMP
PAT file amethyst.pat GIMP 2.10.12
EXE file animation-optimize.exe GIMP
EXE file animation-play.exe GIMP
LOG file aria-debug-7124.log F1 2002 1
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