"P" SPSS Inc Files

List of all SPSS Inc files, for all file extensions, starting with "P"

Rows per page:        of 2
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
XML file PACF.xml PASW Statistics 18
PF file PACKAGE.7Z-F935A822.pf PASW Statistics 18
XML file PARTIAL CORR.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PERMISSIONS.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PLANCARDS.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PLS.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PLUM.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file POINT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PPLOT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PREDICT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PREFSCAL.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRESERVE.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRINCALS.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRINT EJECT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRINT FORMATS.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRINT SPACE.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PRINT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PROBIT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PROCEDURE OUTPUT.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PROXIMITIES.xml PASW Statistics 18
XML file PROXSCAL.xml PASW Statistics 18
PF file PYCC.pf Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 Update 221
TXT file PatternGrammar.txt PaintShop Pro 2020
WWD file PptExport.wwd PASW Statistics 18
SAV file Predefined Validation Rules.sav PASW Statistics 18
H file Python-ast.h PASW Statistics 18
H file Python.h PASW Statistics 18
DLL file PythonTransport.dll PASW Statistics
EXE file pack200.exe Adobe Captivate
SAV file pain_medication.sav PASW Statistics 18
H file parsetok.h PASW Statistics 18
H file patchlevel.h PASW Statistics 18
SAV file patient_los.sav PASW Statistics 18
SAV file patlos_sample.sav PASW Statistics 18
JSON file pbr.json PASW Statistics 18
DLL file pesrepo.dll PASW Statistics
H file pgen.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pgenheaders.h PASW Statistics 18
EXE file pip.exe PASW Statistics 18
EXE file pip3.4.exe PASW Statistics 18
EXE file pip3.exe PASW Statistics 18
DLL file pkginpr.dll PASW Statistics
MSG file pl.msg PASW Statistics 18
DLL file platdep.dll PASW Statistics
XSD file pmml-2-1.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-3-1.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-3-2.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-4-0.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-4-1.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-4-2.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file pmml-4-3.xsd PASW Statistics 18
DLL file pmmlmerge.dll PASW Statistics
EXE file policytool.exe Bypass Proxy Client 0.78
SAV file poll_cs.sav PASW Statistics 18
SAV file poll_cs_sample.sav PASW Statistics 18
SAV file poll_jointprob.sav PASW Statistics 18
EXE file prodconvert.exe PASW Statistics
XSD file production-1.0.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file production-1.1.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file production-1.2.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file production-1.3.xsd PASW Statistics 18
XSD file production-1.4.xsd PASW Statistics 18
SAV file property_assess.sav PASW Statistics 18
SAV file property_assess_cs.sav PASW Statistics 18
SAV file property_assess_cs_sample.sav PASW Statistics 18
DLL file psm.dll PASW Statistics
MSG file pt.msg PASW Statistics 18
MSG file pt_br.msg Inkscape 0.92.3
EPS file pwrdLogo.eps Inkscape 0.92.3
EXE file py.exe PASW Statistics 3.4.3150.1013
H file py_curses.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyarena.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyatomic.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pycapsule.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyconfig.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyctype.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pydebug.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyerrors.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyexpat.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyfpe.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pygetopt.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyhash.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pymacconfig.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pymacro.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pymactoolbox.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pymath.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pymem.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pyport.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pystate.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pystrcmp.h PASW Statistics 18
H file pystrtod.h PASW Statistics 18
EXE file python.exe OpenOffice.org Portable 3.2
DLL file python27.dll PASW Statistics 2.7.6150.1013
CHM file python276.chm PASW Statistics 18
DLL file python3.dll PASW Statistics 18
DLL file python34.dll PASW Statistics 3.4.3150.1013
CHM file python343.chm PASW Statistics 18
BAT file pythonenv.bat PASW Statistics 18
H file pythonrun.h PASW Statistics 18
EXE file pythonw.exe PASW Statistics 18
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