"C" PixelMetrics Files

List of all PixelMetrics files, for all file extensions, starting with "C"

Rows per page:        of 1
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
PF file CAPTUREWIZ.EXE-2BECC409.pf CaptureWizPro 6.2
PF file CAPTUREWIZ.EXE-70C3A6D1.pf CaptureWizPro 6.2
PF file CPWZPRM.EXE-501A5090.pf CaptureWizPro 6.2
PF file CPWZPRM.EXE-ED399D41.pf CaptureWizPro 6.2
HTM file Canceling captures.htm CaptureWizPro 6.2
HTM file Capture elusive objects.htm CaptureWizPro 6.2
CHM file CaptureWiz.chm CaptureWizPro 6.2
EXE file CaptureWiz.exe CaptureWizPro
LNK file CaptureWiz.lnk CaptureWizPro 6.2
EXE file CaptureWizAdministratorUtilities.exe CaptureWizPro 6.2
EXE file CaptureWizAsAdministrator.exe CaptureWizPro 6.2
SWF file Clock.swf CaptureWizPro 6.2
XML file CpWzPr.xml CaptureWizPro 6.2
EXE file CpWzPrM.exe CaptureWizPro 6.2
HTM file Customize the capture bar.htm CaptureWizPro 6.2
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