List of all PakSign Technologies files, for all file extensions, starting with "D"
File Extension | Filename | Software Name | Latest File Version |
LOG file | Downloader_2020-02-04_164915_5844-5932.log | Pak Urdu Installer | 3.2 |
LOG file | Downloader_2020-02-04_165016_6708-1636.log | Pak Urdu Installer | 3.2 |
LOG file | Downloader_2020-02-04_170042_5032-5044.log | Pak Urdu Installer | 3.2 |
ETL file | dosvc.20200204_164840_311.etl | Pak Urdu Installer | 3.2 |
ETL file | dosvc.20200204_170207_061.etl | Pak Urdu Installer | 3.2 |