All Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions

Rows per page:        of 562
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
MOF file 451233ED13E097000776690B79D8D753.mof Windows 7
XML file 451c1f3d4288d501060000001c1c401d.Generalize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
XML file 451c1f3d4288d501070000001c1c401d.Specialize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
XML file 451c1f3d4288d501080000001c1c401d.Cleanup.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
XML file 451c1f3d4288d501090000001c1c401d.Respecialize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
PRI file 453786409.pri Windows 10
PRI file 456899090.pri Windows 8.1
MOF file 45D86E53E6ADF70035B0034F9D8C42FE.mof Windows Vista
XML file 4616_3221239372.back.xml Windows 8
XML file 4616_3221239372.xml Windows 8
PRI file 497890682.pri Windows 10
MOF file 4B2660072B052959CB2A0C8B6A1E9B6A.mof Windows Vista
MOF file 4C0E926A9CE540D516A8791F043EB9E8.mof Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express (64-bit) 10.00.1600.22
DIB file 4CSTAGC.DIB Office XP
HTM file 4CSTAGC.HTM Office XP
INF file 4CSTAGC.INF Office XP
DIB file 4CSTAGL.DIB Office XP
HTM file 4CSTAGL.HTM Office XP
INF file 4CSTAGL.INF Office XP
MOF file 4FFAA3E7CB3131376614E98F756EE7AD.mof Windows Vista
PF file Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
PF file Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
SST file 4d227a571d4961f9ee14862f72883d45.sst Windows 8.1
LKG file 4d227a571d4961f9ee14862f72883d45.sst.lkg Windows 8.1
NEW file Windows 8.1
SYS file 4mmdat.sys Windows 10.0.15063.0
LNK file 5 - Task Manager.lnk ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus+Firewall 2019
RSRC file 5.rsrc Camtasia 2019
TXT file 5.txt FL Studio
XML file 512_1508109.back.xml Windows 7
XML file 512_1508109.xml Windows 7
XML file 536_1394265.back.xml Windows 7
XML file 536_1394265.xml Windows 7
MOF file 542DC56D520FDDEDA279A0D2F398203D.mof Windows 7
MOF file 57D164861B475CC0D210795001A7FB64.mof Windows 8.1
MOF file 58F6DC94AE063187572E906AE0B9DC24.mof Windows Vista
MOF file 5F8AAE81E6AA25DDECD426311EDC3CEA.mof Windows Vista
PF file Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
SIG file 5a09d74f269ff6241000b9def1b5daa1.sig Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 14
XML file 5a09d74f269ff6241000b9def1b5daa1.xml Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 14
CUSTOMDESTINATIONS-MS file 5afe4de1b92fc382.customDestinations-ms Windows 7
AUTOMATICDESTINATIONS-MS file 5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms Windows 10
XML file 5fcb2f3d4288d5010c0000001c1c401d.Generalize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
BIN file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
BIN file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file 5fqNydTjcEqQNET5. Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
JS file 6.js Windows 10
RSRC file 6.rsrc Camtasia 2019
TXT file 6.txt WampServer 3.1.9
PRI file 60481637.pri Windows 10
MOF file 608B41C6A2CD9460C2263E6CD80C335A.mof Windows XP
MOF file 60A06765DDFE47EF7240BD9C1EB29EFE.mof Windows XP
PNF file 61883.PNF Windows XP
INF file 61883.inf Windows 10
SYS file 61883.sys Windows 10.0.15063.0
MOF file 6386231A46F6D57EBECE3B98C345CD26.mof Windows Vista
MOF file 6389D91E49CCAF02640B61214A97211F.mof Windows Vista
XML file 642e323d4288d5010d0000001c1c401d.Specialize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
XML file 642e323d4288d5010e0000001c1c401d.Cleanup.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
XML file 642e323d4288d5010f0000001c1c401d.Respecialize.xml Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
PRI file 647377724.pri Windows 8.1
MOF file 6518C15BDA331171C27025C544325086.mof Windows Vista
MOF file 66231762529A003735024004DCDE643C.mof Windows Vista
XML file 6740_2410688656.back.xml Windows 10
XML file 6740_2410688656.xml Windows 10
MOF file 6792FDA793556851BD20EA3DD8BD4F6B.mof Windows 7
PRI file 69068219.pri Windows 8.1
MOF file 69ADEA89FEAADB3260683D8B0A82B65C.mof Microsoft SQL Server 10.00.1600.22
BUD file 69b8a4a.BUD Windows 10
GPD file 69b8a4a.gpd Windows 10
BIN file 69f5683d47a1669a_blobs.bin Moto Racer 2 demo
MOF file 6B38F33147D0369D5038BBB61C7A31C8.mof Windows XP
MOF file 6B4B3EE7432DA52E30DCD4AA1E80B4F2.mof Windows 8.1
MOF file 6DD1779321E1C86B32D09A35DA5E4ED2.mof Windows Vista
PF file Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
MOF file 6FFF7467A5B40765D5740A413CA8BB8A.mof Windows XP
BIN file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
BIN file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file 6XZ7RVUb-UO0u9N7. Microsoft Word 2013 15
DLL file 6to4svc.dll Windows 5.1.2600.5512
JS file 7.js Windows 10
RSRC file 7.rsrc Camtasia 2019
TXT file 7.txt WampServer 3.1.9
PRI file 700158724.pri Windows 8.1
MOF file 701B705ED7DF100F88D5BC4A595E938D.mof Windows XP
XML file 704_633062.back.xml Windows 7
XML file 704_633062.xml Windows 7
PF file Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
MOF file 72F867EF62976CE9F70993FF3E68A4EB.mof Windows XP
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