"P" Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions, starting with "P"

Rows per page:        of 36
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
DLL file protocols.dll Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 3.0.3810.0
JS file protocols.js Windows 8.1
REG file provautologger_add.reg Windows 10
REG file provautologger_del.reg Windows 10
DLL file provcmdlets.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provcommon.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provcore.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file provcore.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
PTXML file provcore.ptxml Windows 8.1
DLL file provdatastore.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.192
DLL file provdiagnostics.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file provdiagnostics.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provengine.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.192
DLL file provhandlers.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.192
HTM file provider.htm Windows 8.1
JS file providerconverter.js Windows 8.1
JS file providereventview.js Windows 8.1
JS file providermodel.js Windows 8.1
JS file providerpage.js Windows 8.1
JS file providers.js Windows 8.1
JS file providerstart.js Windows 8.1
PSD1 file provisioning.psd1 Windows 10
PSM1 file provisioning.psm1 Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_base_v1.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_plans_v1.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_sig_v1.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_v1.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_v2.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_wlan_v1.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_wlan_v2.xsd Windows 10
XSD file provisioning_wwan_v1.xsd Windows 10
DLL file provisioningcommandscsp.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provisioningcsp.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.192
EXE file provlaunch.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provmigrate.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provops.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.15
DLL file provpackageapi.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file provpackageapidll.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
DLL file provplatformdesktop.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file provplatformdesktop.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
XRM-MS file provsvc-license-ppdlic.xrm-ms Windows 8.1
DLL file provsvc.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file provsvc.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
PTXML file provsvc.ptxml Windows 8.1
DLL file provthrd.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
EXE file provtool.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.192
WPRP file provtrace.wprp Windows 10
JS file proxy.js Steganos Online Shield VPN 2.0.4
JS file proxyauthenticator.js Windows 8.1
EXE file proxycfg.exe Windows 5.1.2600.5512
HTM file proxyerror.htm Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
IDL file prsht.idl Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 2010
PNF file prtupg9x.PNF Windows XP
INF file prtupg9x.inf Windows XP
HTM file prvcyms.htm Windows XP
DLL file prvdmofcomp.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
IDL file prvmon.idl Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 2010
PNF file ps5333.PNF Windows XP
INF file ps5333.inf Windows XP
DLL file psapi.dll Tiff Viewer 4.0.1371.1
DLL file psbase.dll Windows 6.1.7600.16385
MUI file psbase.dll.mui Windows 7
H file pschdcnt.h Windows XP
DLL file pschdprf.dll Windows 5.1.2600.0
INI file pschdprf.ini Windows XP
SYS file psched.sys Windows 5.1.2600.5512
SYS file pscr.sys Windows 6.1.7600.16385
MUI file pscr.sys.mui Windows 6.1.7600.16385
SEP file pscript.sep Windows 10
CONFIG file psdsccomplianceserver.config Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
MOF file psdsccomplianceserver.mof Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file psdsccomplianceserver.xml Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
CONFIG file psdscpullserver.config Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
MOF file psdscpullserver.mof Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
XML file psdscpullserver.xml Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
DLL file psdscserverevents.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.248
MUI file pshed.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file psisdecd.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
AX file psisrndr.ax Windows 10.0.15063.0
MFL file psmodulediscoveryprovider.mfl Windows 10
MOF file psmodulediscoveryprovider.mof Windows 10
DLL file psmsong.dll Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
DLL file psmsrv.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.371
MUI file psmsrv.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file psnppagn.dll Windows 5.1.2600.0
EXE file psp.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.371
DLL file pspluginwkr-v3.dll Windows 6.3.9600.16384
MUI file pspluginwkr-v3.dll.mui Windows 6.3.9600.16384
DLL file pspluginwkr.dll Windows 6.1.7600.16385
MUI file pspluginwkr.dll.mui Windows 6.1.7600.16385
EXE file psr.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file psr.exe.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
HTM file pss_getting_worldwide_help.htm Windows XP
XML file pssmachinesnapshot-less.xml Windows XP
XML file pssmachinesnapshot-wo-com.xml Windows XP
XML file pssmachinesnapshot.xml Windows XP
DLL file pstask.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file pstask.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file pstorec.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file pstorsvc.dll Windows 6.1.7600.16385
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