"L" Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions, starting with "L"

Rows per page:        of 18
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
ADML file LanmanWorkstation.adml Windows 10
ADMX file LanmanWorkstation.admx Windows 10
TTF file LaoUI.ttf Windows 8.1
TTF file LaoUIb.ttf Windows 8.1
DDS file LargeAirport_Bump.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file LargeAirport_Specular.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
BIN file LargeRoom.bin Windows 10
DAT file Latest.dat CyberLink Media Suite 13
HLX file LatinEntityNames.hlx Windows 8.1
FOT file Latinwd.FOT Office 95
LNK file Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk Windows XP
EXE file LaunchTM.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.15
EXE file LaunchWinApp.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.726
ZIP file LayerDesigner.zip Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 2010
POT file Layers.pot Office 2003
INI file Layout.ini Desktop Earth 2.1.1
JS file Layout.js QuarkXPress 9.5.1
JS file LayoutManagerProj.js Windows 8
EXE file Ldr64.exe PrimoPDF 2.0.50727.8825
HTML file LeaderBoardCluster.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeaderBoardCluster.js Windows 8.1
HTML file LeaderboardRank.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeaderboardRank.js Windows 8.1
JS file LeaderboardViewModel.js Windows 8.1
HTML file Leaderboards.html Windows 8.1
JS file Leaderboards.js Windows 8.1
JS file LeaderboardsGalleryControl.js Windows 8.1
HTML file LeaderboardsMore.html Windows 8.1
HTML file LeadingEntitiesModule.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeadingEntitiesModule.js Windows 8
HTML file LeaguePlayersECV.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeaguePlayersECV.js Windows 8.1
HTML file LeagueScheduleModule.html Windows 8
JS file LeagueScheduleModule.js Windows 8
HTML file LeagueScheduleTableContainerModule.html Windows 8
HTML file LeagueScheduleTableModule.html Windows 8
JS file LeagueScheduleTableModule.js Windows 8
HTML file LeagueSchedulesECV.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeagueSchedulesECV.js Windows 8.1
HTML file LeagueShareTemplate.html Windows 8.1
HTML file LeagueTeamsECV.html Windows 8.1
JS file LeagueTeamsECV.js Windows 8.1
ADML file LeakDiagnostic.adml Windows 10
ADMX file LeakDiagnostic.admx Windows 10
MDL file Lear45.mdl Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_2_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_2_night_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_3_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_3_night_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
MDL file Lear45_Interior.mdl Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_T.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_T_bump.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_T_spec.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file Lear45_night_C.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
CAB file Lear_45_XML.cab Flight Simulator X demo Demo
HTM file Learn.htm Windows XP
HTM file LearnCompat.htm Windows XP
HTM file LearnInternet.htm Windows XP
HTML file LearnMore.html Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
JS file LearnMoreWizard.js Windows 8.1
JS file LearningTools.js Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
HTM file Leaves.htm Windows XP
TTF file LeelUIsl.ttf Windows 10
TTF file LeelaUIb.ttf Windows 10
TTF file LeelawUI.ttf Windows 10
HTM file Left-aligned Column.htm Office XP
DLL file LegacyNetUX.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
EXE file LegacyNetUXHost.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
TXT file LegalDisclaimer.txt Trillian
JS file Legend.js Windows 8.1
WIZ file Letter Wizard.wiz Office 2003
POT file Level.pot Office 2003
DLL file Lfpng11n.dll Photo Story 3 for Windows
DLL file Lib3mfUAP.dll Apple QuickTime Player 3.3.1903.20001
HTML file LibraryFeaturedContent.html Windows 8.1
JS file LibraryFeaturedContent.js Windows 8.1
DLL file LicenseManager.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.696
DLL file LicenseManagerApi.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
EXE file LicenseManagerShellext.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file LicenseManagerSvc.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.371
MUI file LicenseManagerSvc.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
TXT file License_DACProjectSystem.txt Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 2010
TXT file License_SMO.txt Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 2010
TXT file License_SQLNCLI_ENU.txt Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express (64-bit) 10.00.1600.22
XAML file LicensingActivationControl.xaml Windows 8.1
DLL file LicensingCSP.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file LicensingDiagSpp.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
EXE file LicensingUI.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file LicensingUI.exe.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
XAML file LicensingUpgradeControl.xaml Windows 8.1
DLL file LicensingWinRT.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
WINMD file Lift.Engine.winmd Windows 10
WINMD file Lift.Transcoding.winmd Windows 10
XBF file Light.xbf Windows 8.1
DDS file LightGravelRoof.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file LightGravelRoof_Bump.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DDS file LightGravelRoof_Specular.dds Flight Simulator X demo Demo
FX file LightedTextured.fx Trillian
FXO file LightedTextured_PixelLighting_PS.fxo Windows 10
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