"I" Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions, starting with "I"

Rows per page:        of 20
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
DLL file IMTCDIC.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
CHM file IMTCEN.CHM Windows 7
CHM file IMTCEN14.CHM Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
IMD file IMTCJ.IMD Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
IMD file IMTCL.IMD Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
EXE file IMTCLNWZ.EXE Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.936
IMD file IMTCLS.IMD Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
IMD file IMTCPH.IMD Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
IMD file IMTCPHCS.IMD Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
EXE file IMTCPROP.exe Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.936
IMD file IMTCS.IMD Windows 7
DLL file IMTCSKF.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
IMD file IMTCT.IMD Windows 10
CHM file IMTCTC.CHM Windows 7
CHM file IMTCTC14.CHM Microsoft Office Access 2010 14
DLL file IMTCTIP.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.402
DLL file IMTCTRLN.DLL Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.936
IMD file IMTCV.IMD Windows 10
DLL file IMUTIL.DLL Microsoft Visio 14.0.6009.1000
DLL file IMWDD.DLL Microsoft Visio 14.0.6009.1000
DLL file IMWIZ.DLL Microsoft Visio 14.0.6009.1000
OCX file IMXGRD32.OCX Office
PPD file IN1024C3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file IN1032C3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file IN1311E3.PPD Windows 7
PPD file IN1312E3.PPD Windows 7
BTR file INDEX.BTR YouTube Download & Convert 1.1.4
HTM file INDEX.HTM QuickPar 0.9.1
HTX file INDEX.HTX Office XP
MAP file INDEX.MAP KMPlayer 2019.06.13.02
MID file INDST_01.MID Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.7015.1000
ELM file INDUST.ELM Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.7015.1000
INF file INDUST.INF Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (64-bit) 14.0.7015.1000
DLL file INETRES.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.755
PPD file INF10323.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF10363.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20153.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20183.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20223.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20273.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20323.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20353.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20453.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20603.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20753.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF20903.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21053.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21223.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21273.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21323.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21353.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF21453.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF218D3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF220D3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22153.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22163.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22203.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22253.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22303.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22353.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF22453.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF24283.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF28353.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF28383.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF35453.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF41053.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF41503.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF41803.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF42203.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF42703.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF43533.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF44523.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF45513.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF45603.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF47003.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF48503.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INF55603.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFC8243.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFE0853.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFE1053.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI1513.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI1603.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI1753.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI28P3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI32P3.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFI38P3.PPD Windows Vista
PF file INFINST.EXE-1DC83A88.pf Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
PF file INFINST.EXE-4353E910.pf Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) 9.29.1974
PF file INFINST.EXE-5045E81F.pf Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
PF file INFINST.EXE-63594F61.pf Windows Live Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.331
PF file INFINST.EXE-B0770A78.pf Flight Simulator X demo Demo
DLL file INFINTL.DLL Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 15.0.4420.1017
PPD file INFIP283.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFIP353.PPD Windows Vista
AW file INFMAIN.AW Office 2003
CHM file INFMAIN.CHM Office 2007
PPD file INFN2055.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFNH553.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFNH653.PPD Windows Vista
PPD file INFNM340.PPD Windows Vista
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