"C" Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions, starting with "C"

Rows per page:        of 56
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
XML file c2rmanifest.onenotemui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.osm.osm.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file c2rmanifest.osmmui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Word 2013 15
XML file c2rmanifest.outlook.outlook.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.outlookmui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.powerpoint.powerpoint.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.powerpointmui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.proof.culture.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.proof.culture.msi.zip.es-es.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.proof.culture.msi.zip.fr-fr.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.proofing.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.publisher.publisher.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.publishermui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.shared.office.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.word.word.x-none.msi.zip.x-none.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rmanifest.wordmui.msi.zip.en-us.xml Microsoft Office 2013 Professional (not specified)
XML file c2rpridslicensefiles_auto.xml Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit) (not specified)
DLL file c2rui.dll Microsoft Word 2013 15
BIN file c4.bin Windows 7
JS file c79829ec[1].js Windows 10
FON file c8514fix.fon Windows 10
FON file c8514oem.fon Windows 10
FON file c8514sys.fon Windows 10
PNF file c_1394.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_1394.inf Windows 10
NLS file c_28603.nls Windows 10
PNF file c_61883.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_61883.inf Windows 10
DLL file c_GSM7.DLL Windows 10.0.15063.0
INF file c_apo.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_avc.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_avc.inf Windows 10
INF file c_barcodescanner.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_battery.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_battery.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_biometric.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_biometric.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_bluetooth.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_bluetooth.inf Windows 10
INF file c_cashdrawer.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_cdrom.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_cdrom.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_computer.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_computer.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_diskdrive.PNF Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
INF file c_diskdrive.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_display.PNF Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
INF file c_display.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_dot4.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_dot4.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_dot4print.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_dot4print.inf Windows 10
INF file c_extension.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_fdc.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_fdc.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_firmware.PNF Caffeine
INF file c_firmware.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_floppydisk.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_floppydisk.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsactivitymonitor.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsantivirus.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fscfsmetadataserver.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fscompression.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fscontentscreener.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fscontinuousbackup.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fscopyprotection.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsencryption.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fshsm.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsinfrastructure.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsopenfilebackup.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsphysicalquotamgmt.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsquotamgmt.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsreplication.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fssecurityenhancer.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fssystem.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fssystemrecovery.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsundelete.inf Windows 10
INF file c_fsvirtualization.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_hdc.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_hdc.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_hidclass.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_hidclass.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_image.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_image.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_infrared.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_infrared.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_keyboard.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_keyboard.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_legacydriver.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_legacydriver.inf Windows 10
INF file c_linedisplay.inf Windows 10
INF file c_magneticstripereader.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_mcx.PNF Breakaway Audio Enhancer 1.40.03
INF file c_mcx.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_media.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_media.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_mediumchanger.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_mediumchanger.inf Windows 10
PNF file c_memory.PNF Windows 8
INF file c_memory.inf Windows 10
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