"A" Microsoft Files

List of all Microsoft files, for all file extensions, starting with "A"

Rows per page:        of 38
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
BIN file AvatarAssetPack.bin Windows 8
HTML file AvatarControl.html Windows 8.1
JS file AvatarControl.js Windows 8.1
DLL file Avatars.dll Trillian 1.0.1610.22000
WINMD file Avatars.winmd Trillian
BIN file AverageRoom.bin Windows 10
XML file AwardsDefinitions.xml Trillian
EXE file AxImp.exe Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 3.5.30729.1
DLL file AxInstSv.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file AxInstSv.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
EXE file AxInstUI.exe Windows 10.0.15063.0
MUI file AxInstUI.exe.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
POT file Axis.pot Office 2003
DLL file AzSqlExt.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
POT file Azure.pot Office 95
DLL file AzureSettingSyncProvider.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
MUI file AzureSettingSyncProvider.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file aaaamon.dll Windows 5.1.2600.0
DLL file aaclient.dll Windows 6.2.9200.16384
MUI file aaclient.dll.mui Windows 6.2.9200.16384
MFL file aaclient.mfl Windows 8
MOF file aaclient.mof Windows 8
DLL file aadauthhelper.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
DLL file aadcloudap.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
MUI file aadcloudap.dll.mui Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file aadjcsp.dll Windows 10.0.15063.0
DLL file aadtb.dll Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.16299.1004
MUI file aadtb.dll.mui Microsoft Office Access 2010 10.0.10011.16384
GPD file aap2100.gpd Windows Vista
GPD file aap2200.gpd Windows Vista
DLL file ablscpt.dll Flight Simulator X demo 10.0.60905.0
COM file abortpxe.com Speakonia 1.3.5
JS file about.js PageBreeze Free HTML Editor 5.0a
SPA file about.spa Disk Cleaner 1.8.1795
XAML file about.xaml Windows 8.1
HTML file aboutFlyout.html Windows 8.1
HTML file aboutSetting.html Windows 8.1
HTML file aboutSettings.html Windows 8.1
TXT file about_Arithmetic_Operators.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Assignment_Operators.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Automatic_Variables.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_BITS_Cmdlets.help.txt Windows 8.1
TXT file about_BeforeEach_AfterEach.help.txt Windows 10
TXT file about_Break.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Command_Syntax.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Comment_Based_Help.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_CommonParameters.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Comparison_Operators.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Continue.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Core_Commands.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_For.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Foreach.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_History.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_If.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Language_Keywords.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Line_Editing.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Mocking.help.txt Windows 10
TXT file about_PSSnapins.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Parsing.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Path_Syntax.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Pester.help.txt Windows 10
TXT file about_Quoting_Rules.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Redirection.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Ref.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Reserved_Words.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Return.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Session_Configurations.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Signing.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Special_Characters.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Switch.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_TestDrive.help.txt Windows 10
TXT file about_Throw.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Variables.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_WMI_Cmdlets.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_WS-Management_Cmdlets.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_While.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Windows_PowerShell_2.0.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_Windows_PowerShell_ISE.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_aliases.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_arrays.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_command_precedence.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_data_sections.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_debuggers.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_do.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_environment_variables.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_escape_characters.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_eventlogs.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_execution_policies.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_format.ps1xml.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_functions.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_functions_advanced.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_functions_advanced_methods.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_functions_advanced_parameters.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_functions_cmdletbindingattribute.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_hash_tables.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_job_details.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_jobs.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_join.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_locations.help.txt Windows 7
TXT file about_logical_operators.help.txt Windows 7
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