All Apache Friends Files

List of all Apache Friends files, for all file extensions

Rows per page:        of 19
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
DLL file mercuryc.dll XAMPP
DAT file mercuryd.dat XAMPP 5.6.40
DLL file mercuryd.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercurye.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryf.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryh.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryi.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryp.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercurys.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryw.dll XAMPP
DLL file mercuryx.dll XAMPP
H file metaconfig.h ActivePerl 5.28.1
H file mg.h ActivePerl 5.28.1
H file mg_data.h ActivePerl 5.28.1
H file mg_raw.h ActivePerl 5.28.1
H file mg_vtable.h ActivePerl 5.28.1
JS file microhistory.js WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mingstats.html XAMPP 5.6.40
BAT file minicpan.bat XAMPP 5.6.40
CONF file minicpan.conf XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss-2.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_cr.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e1.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e10.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e11.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e12.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e13.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e14.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e2.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e3.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e4.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e5.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e6.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e7.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e8.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_e9.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_fp.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_mc.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_ok.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_s1.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_s2.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_sc.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_scs.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_sel.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_src.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlss_us.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
HTM file mlsubs.htm XAMPP 5.6.40
DLL file mmap.dll ActivePerl 5.28.1
H file mmgr.h XAMPP 5.6.40
HTML file mod_access_compat.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_actions.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_alias.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_allowmethods.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_asis.html WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_auth.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_auth_basic.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_auth_digest.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_auth_form.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_anon.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_core.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_dbd.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_dbm.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_file.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authn_socache.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authnz_fcgi.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authnz_ldap.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_core.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_dbd.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_dbm.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_groupfile.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_host.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_owner.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_authz_user.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_autoindex.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_brotli.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_buffer.html WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_cache.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cache.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cache_disk.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cache_socache.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cern_meta.html WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_cgi.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cgi.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_cgid.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_charset_lite.html WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_core.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_data.html WampServer 3.1.9
EXP file mod_dav.exp WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_dav.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dav.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dav_fs.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dav_lock.html WampServer 3.1.9
H file mod_dbd.h WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dbd.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_deflate.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dialup.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dir.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_dumpio.html WampServer 3.1.9
HTML file mod_echo.html WampServer 3.1.9
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