"D" Adobe Systems Incorporated Files

List of all Adobe Systems Incorporated files, for all file extensions, starting with "D"

Rows per page:        of 15
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
TIF file Default IBL.tif Adobe Photoshop CC
JSON file Default New Doc Sizes.json Adobe Photoshop CC
TXT file Default New Doc Sizes.txt Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
PAT file Default Patterns.pat Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
PSP file Default Plugin Cache.psp Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
PSP file Default Type Styles.psp Adobe Photoshop CC
XML file Default.xmp_view_settings.xml Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
HTML file DefaultDetection.html Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
DDS file DefaultFont3.dds Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
HTM file DefaultPDF.htm Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
SWF file DefaultPreloader.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
HTML file DefaultWithFullScreen.html Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
HTML file DefaultWithFullScreenDetection.html Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
HTML file Default_HTML5.html Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
QML file DelayButtonSpecifics.qml Movavi Video Converter 2020 20
QML file DelayButtonStyle.qml Movavi Video Converter 2020 20
VBS file DeletePathPoint.vbs Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
XML file Denim.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
JS file Depp.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
XML file Desaturate Blues.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
XML file Desaturate Greens.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
XML file Desaturate Reds.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
QML file Desaturate.qml Nero MediaHome 2019
MP3 file Descending.mp3 Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
TXT file Description.txt Adobe Photoshop CC
XSD file Descriptor.1.1.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.1.5.1.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.1.5.2.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.1.5.3.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.1.5.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.13.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.14.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.15.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.16.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.17.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.18.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.19.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.2.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.2.5.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.2.6.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.2.7.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.20.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.21.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.22.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.23.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.24.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.25.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.26.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.27.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.28.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.29.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.1.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.2.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.3.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.4.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.5.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.6.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.7.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.8.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.3.9.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.30.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XSD file Descriptor.4.0.xsd Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
DLL file Descriptors.dll Adobe Photoshop Elements
JS file DesignLibrary.js Adobe Photoshop CC
DLL file DesignLibraryPlugin.dll Adobe Audition CS6
JS file DesignLibraryUpdate.js Adobe Photoshop CC
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_Neutral.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_af-za.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_am-et.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_ar-sa.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_as-in.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_az-latn-az.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_be-by.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_bg-bg.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_bn-bd.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_bn-in.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_bs-latn-ba.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_ca-es-valencia.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_ca-es.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_chr-cher-us.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_cs-cz.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_cy-gb.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_da-dk.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_de-de.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_el-gr.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_en-gb.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_en-us.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_es-es.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_es-mx.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_et-ee.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_eu-es.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_fa-ir.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_fi-fi.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_fil-ph.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_fr-ca.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_fr-fr.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_ga-ie.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_gd-gb.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
CAB file DesktopBaselessCompDB_gl-es.CompDB.xml.cab Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.9
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