"D" Adobe Systems Incorporated Files

List of all Adobe Systems Incorporated files, for all file extensions, starting with "D"

Rows per page:        of 15
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
JSON file D0977B8D-7DC8-4415-8293-FFA5D1E6B31F.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D1C807B3-7D69-4B05-9F29-23EDBD02BB84.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D22808C7-0516-40A5-850F-CF2FCD2E675F.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D27A6AD4-FA37-4C74-80C5-D9C7287FC0CF.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D3816A6A-B812-4083-A63E-6E3CAA4B0747.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D52ED5DF-57E7-42DD-92E9-57712A5D9956.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
SIG file D6.sig Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
JSON file D6B2723A-90C6-4151-B311-CB59F030B823.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
SWF file D6Flex.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
DLL file D6Native.dll Adobe Captivate
JSON file D71C3F38-D52B-4A85-A6E2-7FCA22611910.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D74AFD62-D8F4-4CA6-B776-453612B2F238.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D79922D3-B047-43E6-B47F-78528E4C8DAB.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D866D2A3-7060-4303-8A59-3DDC28693BD0.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file D92127B1-2C4B-45E0-BC5A-212C8FB16815.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DAD1310C-8D9E-4721-BA0E-BD7A5039A158.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DB00D398-F8B1-450A-AF41-8325FFF907E7.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DB03BE98-A3CE-4CCD-ABEF-581868E763A5.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file DB_CrashRecovery.log Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
JSON file DC2CD248-E8DA-4A03-84CA-A159750D153D.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
XML file DC_ACROBAT_19.12.20036.xml Adobe Acrobat DC (not specified)
JSON file DD175956-06F5-4390-93A0-F2762A61F78F.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DD61FC37-C874-4A5B-9C4E-47A248C2B062.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DDD65212-A2E0-4E27-B85F-F4440631F721.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file DE603D7E-2B69-41F1-856F-66FFF32457F4.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
SIG file DECore.sig Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
TMP file DEL3AE2.tmp Adobe Photoshop 14.12.25810.0
TMP file DEL4EF7.tmp Adobe Photoshop 14.12.25810.0
TMP file DEL6E7.tmp Adobe Photoshop 14.0.23918.0
TMP file DEL7378.tmp Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14.12.25810.0
TMP file DEL8A8A.tmp Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14.12.25810.0
TMP file DELEEAC.tmp Adobe Photoshop 14.0.23918.0
TXT file DEVANAGA.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
JSON file DF4EE002-E6D9-4626-A7D2-865460C5E0FD.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
BIN file DF_rec_font.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
BIN file DF_rec_font_jp.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
BIN file DF_sim_fea_tk.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
BIN file DF_sim_fea_tk_jp.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
BIN file DF_sim_meta_tk.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
BIN file DF_sim_meta_tk_jp.bin Adobe Photoshop CC
TXT file DINGBATS.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
LOG file DLM.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
LOG file DLM_Native.log Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
JS file DLMimeTypeMap.js Adobe Photoshop CC
DLL file DNxHR.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file DQomfToolkit64.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
JS file DRWV-css-dark-main-scss.bundle.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JS file DRWV-css-darker-main-scss.bundle.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JS file DRWV-css-light-main-scss.bundle.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JS file DRWV-css-lighter-main-scss.bundle.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
PF file DVAAUDIOFILTERSCAN.EXE-CA13770F.pf Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
XML file DVADialogPrefs.xml Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
DLL file DVControl.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
TLB file DVControl.tlb Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
XML file DVdevice.xml Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
SIG file DWA.sig Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
SWF file DWAFlex.swf Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
DLL file DWANative.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file DWA_UI.dll Adobe Captivate
DLL file DWFCore.dll Adobe Acrobat DC
DLL file DWFToolkit.dll Adobe Acrobat DC
DLL file DXAVSource.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DXCaptureSource.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DXDVSupport.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
DCP file DXO ONE Adobe Standard.dcp Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
DLL file DXSampleInterceptor.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
PF file DYNAMICLINKMANAGER.EXE-13FA1C45.pf Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
PF file DYNAMICLINKMANAGER.EXE-239344E4.pf Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
PF file DYNAMICLINKMANAGER.EXE-ADEB64D4.pf Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
PF file DYNAMICLINKMEDIASERVER.EXE-28958B6C.pf Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
XML file Daisies.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
XML file Dandelions.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
XML file Dark Strokes.metadata.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
INI file DarkChocolate.ini Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
SWF file DarkChocolate.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
QML file DayOfWeekRow.qml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
DLL file DeClicker1.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeClicker2.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeClicker6.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeCrackler1.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeCrackler2.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeCrackler6.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeEsser1.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeEsser2.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeEsser6.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeHummer1.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeHummer2.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeHummer6.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeNoiser1.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeNoiser2.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file DeNoiser6.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
SWF file DePlume.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
TXT file Debug Database.txt Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
XML file Debug.xml MATLAB R2009a
JS file DebugLog.js Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
XML file DebugWorkspace.xml Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
MP3 file Deck_the_Halls.mp3 Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
DLL file DeepCut.dll Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
SWF file Default Animation.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
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