"A" LM Dateien

Liste aller LM Dateien , die mit "A" beginnen

Reihen pro Seite:        of 1
Dateiname Name der Software Entwicklername Aktuellste Dateiversion
ab.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
ace.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
ada.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
af.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
afrikaans.lm Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation 4.1.6
ak.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
albanian.lm Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation 4.1.6
alt.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
am.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
amharic_utf.lm Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation 4.1.6
ar.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
arabic.lm Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation 4.1.6
arn.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
ast.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
ay.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
az-Cyrl.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
az.lm LibreOffice The Document Foundation 6.2.5
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